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Since we started business in 1988, we have connected with a local community through building maintenance business and contributed to the development of it. We have been providing our clients with clean and comfortable environments / offices here in Iwakuni, pursuing our career in the field of cleaning service.
We have made an agreement with MCAS IWAKUNI for more than 20 years, improving the quality of cleaning service with much experience to meet strict standards of U.S. and their needs.
We can’t speak English very well, but just words “Thank you” which our clients say with smiles and eye contact give us fresh incentive and encouragement.
We’re dedicated to developing a warm relationship with our clients and providing our services to keep them happy.

These days, building owners and facility users have required a high level of commitment. In addition, inquiries except the building maintenance have increased.
We who are affiliated with Midori group are able to offer comprehensive services to meet the scale of our clients’ needs through our innovative, client-focused solutions. If you have any inquiry about managing your property or enhancing the value, please feel free to contact us. By making use of our practical experience & extensive knowledge, we will be able to support your business, we believe it !

Masao Sato
President and representative director
Sanyo Bldg. Service Co., Ltd.


 Ultra UV coating

Ultra UV coating
Curing work with UV irradiator



Company profile

Company Name: Sanyo Bldg. Service co., Ltd.
Address: 105-5, 4-chome, Misho, Iwakuni-shi, Yamaguchi pre. 741-0083, Japan
Establishment Date: May. 2, 1990
Capital Fund: JPY20,000,000
President and representative director: Masao Sato
Main Business Activity: Building Maintenance Business
Number of Employees: 57  (As of Oct. 1, 2019)
Main financing bank: The Yamaguchi Bank, Ltd.
The Hiroshima Bank, Ltd.
The Momiji Bank, Ltd.
The Sankyo Bank, Ltd.


Feb. 1988 started a business as sole proprietorship under the name of Sanyo Bldg. Service
May. 1990 set up a limited company, the capital fund JPY3,000,000
Nov. 1993 started the wide custodial services at MCCS Iwakuni
Nov. 2005 gained the license of Construction Quality Management for Contractors
Mar. 1994 registered as an operator of the Building cleaning in Yamaguchi pref.
Mar. 1995 registered as an operator of the Building general management in Yamaguchi pref.
Mar. 2006 registered as an operator of the Building air quality measurement in Yamaguchi pref.
Mar. 2014 registered as an operator of the Building sanitary environment control in Yamaguchi pref.
Nov. 2013 changed the company name to Sanyo Bldg. Service Co., Ltd. The capital fund JPY20,000,000
Dec. 2019 Office moved

Professional Registration(s) or Certification(s)

  • Building sanitary environment control engineer
  • Building cleaning technician
  • Water storage tank cleaning work supervisor
  • Duct cleaning work supervisor
  • Pest control (rodents, insects, etc) supervisor
  • Building air quality measurement operator
  • High-place work operator
  • Hospital sanitary control supervisor

About us

There are total 132 places of U.S.base, which are included large or small one, in Japan. One of major 6 places of them is MCCS Iwakuni, it’s in Iwakuni city, Yamaguchi prefecture.
MCCS Iwakuni is approximately 575 hectares in area, approximately 145 times larger than Koshien Stadium. We are involved with 80 facilities in MCCS site through building maintenance business and are providing sanitary & comfortable environments for the facility user who live and work there.

Business contents

  • Dairy cleaning
    Cleaning of Public space / Entrance / Restroom, Sweeping outside around the facility, Trash removal
  • Regular / Special cleaning
    Strip, Wax, Window cleaning (high place), Air Conditioning cleaning (to disassemble and clean the AC), Carpet shampoo, Exhaust fan (duct) cleaning at kitchen, Blind cleaning, Light fixture cleaning, High pressure cleaning of exterior wall, Room cleaning before tenants move in,
  • Floor coating
    ※Ultra UV Coating
  • Environmental hygienic work
    Water storage tank cleaning, Water quality inspection, Pest control, Air quality measurement,
  • Fire protection equipment inspection
    General inspection, Appearance inspection, Functional inspection

Our customer

Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS)
Iwakuni regional taxation office
Iwakuni city Board of Education
Iwakuni city Board of Education  Yuu branch
Iwakuni city Board of Education  Nishiki branch
Iwakuni city Board of Education  Kuga branch
Iwakuni city Board of Education  Miwa branch
Osaka Civil Aviation Bureau, Iwakuni airport administrative office
Chugoku regional Development Bureau, Ube Ports Office
Special nursing home
Financial institutions
Medical institutions
Private preparatory school, etc

※Ultra UV Coating

  • Solventless, non-waterborne, almost odorless
  • Available floor materials : Plastic tile, PVC sheeting, Concrete, Iron, Stone material, Plastic
  • Having high durability and chemical resistance to sulfuric acid & caustic soda
  • Since the construction period is short, possible to help your operational efficiency
Hardening by UV irradiation machine Porcelain tile also available


Please feel free to ask us !
